In addition, it is important to learn about what is happening around us politically. By having a clear understanding of politics and following the latest news, we get to have the chance to speak up for our rights and make political decisions that could impact our lives positively. In the United States, government and politics affect our lives in nearly every aspect; whether it is the amount of tax we have to pay for a morning coffee from Starbucks, or the different types of light bulbs we are allowed to purchase within our state. We can learn about what is going on in our nation, as well as other nations. Moreover, every country has its own political system and by paying close attention, we can develop opinions based on what we hear and see on the news. News from politics can help us become better voters; and having that knowledge of politics is key during the voting process and therefore it will give us peace of mind that we have done our homework prior to casting our vote in the ballot box. The US Armenians understands how important political news is for its followers, which is why we constantly post about US politics news, as well as latest political events occurring in Armenia. Recent events in Armenia and Artsakh have proved that the Diaspora is constantly following the news in Armenia. This is why the US Armenians page values everyone’s political views and opinions, and is dedicated to posting all the latest news occurring in the United States, Armenia, and other countries around the world.