Armenia joined the UN 29 years ago today.
Based on the Application of the Republic of Armenia
the UN Security Council decided
At its 3035th meeting, on 23 January 1992, the Council, following the adoption of its agenda, decided to refer the application of the Republic of Armenia for membership in the United Nations to the Committee on the Admission of New Members for examination and report, as provided in rule 59 of the provisional rules of procedure.
At its 3041st meeting, on 29 January 1992, the Council discussed the report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of Armenia for admission to membership in the United Nations.
Security Council Resolution 735 (1992) of 29 January 1992
The Security Council,
Having examined the application of the Republic of Armenia for admission to the United Nations,
Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of Armenia be admitted to the membership in the United Nations.
Adopted without a vote at the 3041st meeting
At the same meeting, following the adoption of Security Council resolution 735(1992), the President of the Council made the following statement on behalf of the members:
“It is a privilege for me, on behalf of the members of the Council, to congratulate the Republic of Armenia on the decision which the Council has just taken. By resolution 735(1992) the Council has recommended to the General Assembly the admission of Armenia to membership in the United Nations.
“This is a significant moment for our Organization, and for Armenia. Armenia’s solemn commitment to uphold the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations, which include the principles relating to the peaceful settlement of disputes and the non-use of force, is noted with great satisfaction by the members of the Council.
“The members of the Council are confident that Armenia will contribute fully and effectively in all areas of the Organization’s activities. We look forward to welcoming its representatives and to working closely with them.”
General Assembly Resolution A/RES/46/227 at its 82-nd plenary meeting
2 March 1992
Admission of the Republic of Armenia to Membership in the United Nations
The General Assembly,
Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 29 January 1992 that the Republic of Armenia should be admitted to membership in the United Nations,
Having considered the application for membership of the Republic of Armenia,
Decides to admit the Republic of Armenia to membership in the United Nations.
Source: Public Radio of Armenia
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